Retaining strong family values over the last three centuries, Stubbs has evolved to meet the everchanging needs of riders and their horses. Their high-quality British- made products offer everything you need to be fully equipped in the stable and out on the field.
Pole Type Folding Saddle Rack
Plastic coated round tube. Folds down when not in use.
Stubbs Plastic Muzzle
Plastic Muzzle
Dressage Markers
Dressage Markers
Mark out your dresssage competition. Plastic coated steel frame. Height above ground when inserted 1' 10".
Set of letters: A, B, C, E, F, H, K, M.
Dressage Letters
ABCEFHKM Screw on steel plates. For screwing to walls or fences with four screw holes. Packet of eight dressage letters
STUBBS Tyre Bowl
When the plastic feed bowl is dropped into an old 14" tyre, it is rarely kicked around! Effective inside but it comes into its own in the paddock and is extremely popular. Height 19cm, Width 53cm, Capacity 18 litre, Weight 1.59kg. (Tyre not supplied).
Large Stud Card holder
Printed card protected by plastic wallet.
Holder is pre-galvanised steel - 19x12cm.
Plastic coated red or black. (Please state which when ordering).
Card size - 15x10cm
Feed Bucket Cover
Nylon fabric elasticated hem.
Fits standard feed bucket
These are supplied without 'Morning' or 'Evening' see 'Printed Bucket Covers' for printed version, only available in Royal, Red or Purple.
Printed Bucket Covers
Nylon fabric elasticated hem.
Fits standard water/feed bucket.
Printed with 'Morning' or 'Evening'.
Warhorse Water Carriers
Water Holders
Tack Cleaning Hook
3 pronged. Plastic coated steel. 10" long.
Handy Hanger
Made from plastic coated heavy duty metal. It is suitable for hanging from stable doors or fences. Available in Black or Red
Folding Saddle Rack
Tubular steel, plastic coated. Folds down when not in use.
Economy Salt Lick Holder
Plastic coated.
Kick Over Door Bolt
Strong foot operated fastener for bottom of lower stable door. Galvanised.
STUBBS Headcollar Hook
Substantial size and construction. Stubbyfine coated steel. Height 23cm Width 3cm Projection 11cm Weight 0.42kg.
Portable Saddle Rack Double Arm
A fixed arm saddle rack that will hook over fences, stables doors etc.
STUBBS Bridle Rack
Plastic coated. Fully supports over head to prevent kinking of leather.
STUBBS Standard Saddle Rack
Tubular steel, plastic coated. Supports all types and sizes.
Portable Manger
A moulded lightweight manger, which is easily moved around because of the simple hooks on the rear.
Made from ultra tough Stubbythene with Stubbyfine coated hook hangers.
Height: 25cm
Width: 39cm
Depth: 32cm
Weight: 1.37kg
Capacity: 15 litres
Feed Scoop
Plastic feed scoop with metal handle.
Plastic Corner Manger
Heavy duty mamger complete with anti-waste bars. Support frame not included.